Category: Sales Blog

  • How to create a sales mindset

    How to create a sales mindset

    A true sales mindset will give you the edge Have you ever struggled with your mindset? Creating a sales mind set will help you to get the edge on your competition and make you a consistent high performer. The problem with a lot of sales people is that when they are under performing their mindset…

  • Is it me or does performance management rock?

    Is it me or does performance management rock?

    Performance management increases results and engagement Using performance management effectively will increase results, competence and engagement meaning better business performances and staff retention. Performance management has evolved into an important skill as either a stand alone position or one that has been built into a coaching or management role. Managing performance is valuable to any…

  • What is NLP coaching? (A complete beginners guide)

    What is NLP coaching? (A complete beginners guide)

    NLP coaching can get you moving in the right direction NLP coaching is a vital tool when it comes to coaching. Furthermore, it is useful in every field as it helps you to communicate your message to others so they can understand you better. What is NLP coaching? NLP coaching is a training a communication…

  • What makes a good performance manager?

    What makes a good performance manager?

    A performance manager will change your direction A performance manager will change the direction of an individual’s career. By setting goals and expectations, and supporting the salesperson they will succeed. A performance manager creates goals and key performance indicators. Where a sales manger normally leaves their team to it at this point, a performance manger…

  • What does a sales trainer actually do?

    What does a sales trainer actually do?

    Get a sales trainer with style A sales trainer helps a business define it’s sales strategy. Sales trainers develop plans for sales people so they can sell in the fashion of the business. What is a sales trainer? A sales trainer is a trainer that focuses primarily on sales disciplines and works towards getting every…

  • How to create a sales coaching plan

    How to create a sales coaching plan

    Create a sales coaching plan with ease Every sales coaching plan will be different, depending on the group or individual you are working with. Everyone learns differently and will respond to different coaching methods. Creating a sales coaching plan does not need to be a chore or a daunting prospect. You should have structure that…

  • Use spin selling to be better at sales

    Use spin selling to be better at sales

    Learn to ask the right questions with spin selling Using the spin selling technique, you will improve your conversions. Through asking the right questions and showing your customer that your product will benefit them. One of the problems in sales is that sales people get stale. They are trained at first and left by the…

  • How to use the PRIEST coaching model?

    How to use the PRIEST coaching model?

    Goal setting with the PRIEST coaching model Using the PRIEST coaching model helps your team find their motivation towards their goals. It’s a useful tool to help your team understand their goals clearly. The PRIEST coaching model used in NLP as a goal setting model to help your team realise what they want to achieve.…

  • Everything you need to know about sales strategy

    Everything you need to know about sales strategy

    Without a sales strategy what are you achieving? Having a sales strategy is important for any sales organization, because if you don’t know where you are going how can you get there? What do you have to do to get there? The problem with a lot of sales organisations I have been involved with, is…

  • How to inspire a sales team

    How to inspire a sales team

    Inspire a sales team to perform better To motivate a sales team is essential in activities like sports or sales. Leaders inspire people to a better state of mind in order to perform towards the collective goal. Why inspire a sales team? We will help you motivate a sales team to increase their sales and…