PRIEST coaching model

How to use the PRIEST coaching model?

Goal setting with the PRIEST coaching model

Using the PRIEST coaching model helps your team find their motivation towards their goals. It’s a useful tool to help your team understand their goals clearly.

In this guide, you’ll find everything you need to know to get started with the PRIEST coaching model, including:

  • What PRIEST is and why it’s important.
  • The different aspects of the PRIEST coaching model and how they work.
  • Tips, tools, and best practices to succeed with PRIEST.

Read on so you can use this great coaching model and see the benefits!

What is the PRIEST coaching model?

The PRIEST coaching model is very effective when used in the right way. It is a fantastic to help your team realise their goals and outcomes with clarity. The purpose of PRIEST is to help keep your team motivated towards their goal in the job. It will also help team members who struggle with a clear path to their purpose in the role. As well as this it helps keep sales people engaged and involved which is important to retaining sales people, something that a lot of companies struggle to do.

Why is the PRIEST coaching model important?

The benefits of the PRIEST model are extremely useful for a sales manager, especially in and around the modern era of the performance manager.

  • Motivation: Helping a sales person realise their motivation through a clear outcome and what it will look like.
  • Involvement: It keeps the team involved in their development, it helps them realise their purpose in the role and how it works with the company goals.
  • Competence: Using the PRIEST structure helps the sales person realise how good they are in the job using positive language.

How the PRIEST coaching model works

The PRIEST coaching model is divided among the acronym. Each letter is a different stage of the coaching and shaping the outcome for the sales person. It’s a straight forward and powerful model.

Positive –

We should be using positive language here. We want to close more sales, make more calls, convert more new business calls. Everything should be stated in the positive in terms of what the sales person wants to achieve.

Resources –

This is an interesting step, what does the sales person need to achieve their goal? Do they need coaching in a particular area? Do they need to move near a team member who is already achieving their goal?

Initiated –

They next step is to state the goal in a positive sense and that it is initiated by the sales person. They will make more calls, in order to create the opportunity to close more deals. These sorts of goals can be achieved alongside success modelling. Their needs to be an element of control over their goal, they are the one which will be achieving it.

Ecology –

This is looking at the bigger picture, how will it change your day to day? Will it change your processes and how you currently work? Will it affect your relationships? What will change by striving for this goal?

Sensory –

This is the visualisation part, they need to get in contact with their representational systems. They want to know how the success looks, how it feels and what they hear. That feeling of pride when you achieve your goal, how the certificate will look on your desk, how does it sound when your colleagues chant your name at an awards ceremony.

Time –

This is the time frame, when do you want to complete this? If it is a long term goal, break it down mile stones and what will be achieved at each point. After these points have been written down, it’s time to commit to work towards this goal.

How to use the PRIEST coaching model successfully

To use the PRIEST coaching model successfully, I recommend taking the sales person off the floor and having an honest chat regarding what they want to achieve in the role. Then using the model above, you can flesh out their goal by asking the right questions.

The main point here is to find out what is important to them, such as their motivation. No one will tell you their main motivation, you will need to build rapport and ask the right questions. Some may not even know their motivation, so asking the the right questions and showing a genuine interest will help them. That is your job as a performance manager, to support your team.

PRIEST coaching model best practices

The best way to deploy the PRIEST coaching model is to work with individuals and keep that goal between the two of you. It is important to the sales person as it is their goal, so let them work the way they want to. They will commit to a goal which is important, so build the rapport with them first and flesh out the goal they give you.

I would recommend checking in with the sales person on a regular basis, and try and encourage them to approach you regarding the progress so far and if they need to address any part of their goal.

Get started with PRIEST coaching model today

Go and try this with your team. It will take some practice, but over time this coaching model will help your team to realise their objectives and how they can achieve them.


