Performance Management

Successful Performance Management

Performance management is vital in retaining sales people. There are different styles to manage your sales team effectively to success through various strategies and management ideas.

In this guide, you’ll find everything you need to know to get started with performance management, including:

  • What performance management is and why it’s important.
  • The 5 steps of the performance management cycle and how they work.
  • Tips, tools, and best practices to succeed with performance.

Read on so you can understand what we can do for you.

What is performance management?

Performance management is the management of sales people’s performance in it’s simplest form. It is using clearly measurable objectives to establish performance levels. It provides feedback as to how the teams or individuals are performing against the companies objectives.

Using performance strategies we can assess performance levels, keep sales people engaged and look at raising the standards by involving the sales people in their own development. There are numerous tools that we can use through one to ones, performance reviews, regular updates and quick coaching.

Why is performance management important?

Effective performance management creates a number of benefits in the workplace. 

  • Motivation: Through involvement of the sales person, through the belief of competence and through a clear path to develop, employees are much more motivated in the role.
  • Development: Through using the performance feedback available, it highlights coaching strengths and improvements for both the company and the individual. As well as this it helps identify potential for other roles in the company.
  • Positive Environment: When the message is clear in what needs to be achieved, it helps individuals to strive towards their goals with the belief and positivity that it is achievable.

How performance management works

Once we have established where your business is now and where you want to go, we can look at clear objectives to set for the business. We can look at the improvements, how to incorporate this best and how we measure the success.

performance management

How to use performance management successfully

The way to be successful with performance management, is to first stay calm and build a long term plan of where the business wants to head. We like to see systematic changes to the business and measure the success rate of these changes. We believe that their is a process and one of the first things we like to do is develop a process of how your business works first.

When we have a clear idea of the different components involved in the sales process we can then look at an order of approach. We believe that through small changes to current processes can result in bigger results, effectively straight line theory.

When performance is managed effectively it can change a whole businesses approach. We want to be looking at positive strength based coaching when it comes to feedback. While it is something new to a lot of sales businesses, it is something we have worked with over the years in some fashion.

Get started today with performance management