Be better at Sales
We look at the sales process in order to share ideas and knowledge to help you streamline your sales funnel. Without a sales process companies are lost in their goal.
Sales Process
When we work with our clients we look at the different sales processes and and the different moving parts in the processes. The sales process is essentially the strategy of offering your businesses product or service. The sales process can be as easy and straight forward or as complexed as you prefer, this depends on your industry and the products you are offering.
There are two main concepts in which the sales process can be installed. Either you can create a blueprint of how the sales process plays out or you can fit your sales process around the product or service you are offering. Both ideas are useful in different industries, for example in the financial services sector you have certain limitations by the regulator in offering your product/service.
We will look at the basic sales process, and then we will look at how to expand on it. Over time we will look at different products and services and their sales cycle.

Sales Techniques
If the sales process is the strategy, then sales techniques are the tactics. There are many sales techniques out there, some I have used are very effective. Additionally the sales techniques used are relatable to the product or service that you are offering.
There is no point building great rapport with a customer in a transactional environment as you will not see again. On the other hand a multi-stage sale requires a lot of rapport as you spend a lot of time with that client.
The whole phrase ‘sales techniques’ sounds calculated, but it is a term which is used to signify a skill. Everyone can sell, they really can, and once a sales person starts to understand the process they will develop their skill. This is also a motivation tool as when a sales person notices the change they have made and how it opens a conversation up, it shows their development.
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Essex, United Kingdom.