Coaching Success
Sales coaching models and techniques help get the best out of you and your team. Using coaching correctly in a positive environment is rewarding for everyone involved.
Sales Coaching
We use different coaching styles and models, such as NLP and strength based coaching, in order to suit the sales people we are working with. Sales coaching has become more important over the years as the sales industry has evolved. Additionally where we are people first focussed it can used to keep sales people engaged and motivated.
There is this medieval belief that once a sales person is trained, then that is job done. To make your business more effective you need to invest back into your sales force. This doesn’t necessarily mean paying sales people more, but using the correct tools to help your sales people feel competent.
To keep people fresh and challenged, we need to look expanding their skills. This will help them feel more accomplished and involved, and as a result a happier workforce. Another view of some companies I have been in contact with, is to impose strict and rigid process. The business does not know better, your employees are your ambassadors and you want them to be positive talking about your business.

Sales Coaching Philosophy
Our whole philosophy is based around having happy employees who want to be successful. Sales coaching is a fantastic tool to encourage this, along with a positive environment so people belief that they can succeed.
While it is easy to say this, it can be quite another to actually put this into practice. There are a number of management styles, and again one size does not fit all. We have found much success in individual training after analysing the sales team and working on their individual strengths and weaknesses.
Coaching individuals is my favourite part of the job as you need to build a rapport with that individual first and remove any barriers they might have. Once this is done you can look at what their strengths and weaknesses are develop them by showing an interest.
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Essex, United Kingdom.