NLP coaching can get you moving in the right direction
NLP coaching is a vital tool when it comes to coaching. Furthermore, it is useful in every field as it helps you to communicate your message to others so they can understand you better.
What is NLP coaching?
NLP coaching is a training a communication model. It can help with understanding yourself, communicating with others to build rapport and design success models to help you succeed. So what is NLP coaching? How does it work?
In this guide, you’ll find everything you need to know to get started with NLP coaching, including:
- What NLP coaching is and why it’s important.
- The different types of tools and how they work.
- Tips, tools, and best practices to succeed with NLP coaching.
Read on so you can use NLP coaching successfully.
What is NLP coaching?
NLP coaching is using the tools learnt from NLP in order to coach. Tools are based around communication and personal development. Communication is essential in the majority of roles and positions around the world. Personal development is essential in driving individuals towards their growth or goals.
Additionally, examples of NLP tools are understanding individual’s language patterns as well as success modelling. These tools help you to be successful in your field by understanding how you work and what what works successfully in others to help you achieve your goals.
Why is NLP coaching important?
NLP is important, as it’s into the individuals understanding of their reality. Once they understand more about themselves they can go forward and understand how they can become successful at their goals.
- Personal Development: NLP helps the individual to understand what is required to go to the next level. This is achieved through goal setting, coaching, mentorship and observation.
- Understanding: Through learning about yourself, you will understand how you work, what works best and what does not feel good to you. Knowing yourself better, helps you to move forward.
- Success Modelling: Copying successful people and their behaviours, helps you create a success pattern. This in turn helps you understand what is required to become better in your field.

How NLP coaching works
NLP coaching is an interesting area. Some people are drawn to it, others are not keen on the idea. When I learnt about NLP early in my career when it was rolled out in an investment firm I was working for. Once I understood it and got into the flow, I never looked back, like anything in life, you need to have a full belief in it.
First things, get a decent coach or mentor, that has a good reputation. Someone that has been in the field for a number of years. Someone who displays success and can explain how it works.
Purposeful Practice
I know, I know, I say this every time. When you learn the new tools, start to use them regularly, you will use them consciously and then see the results. It really can be a light bulb moment, especially when you understand language patterns better.
An Open Mind
Like any form of coaching, you need an open mind. You want to recognise the opportunities where you can use what you have learnt. I used to sit there and think about where my new found skills would fit in my sales pitch, or how can I use a success model.
How to coach NLP successfully
Coaching NLP can be performed easily. It is about working with individuals to understand them and unlock their potential. Understanding why individuals are not success currently is the key to moving forward. Once this is recognised it is time to see what the individual wants to achieve and plan how to make this a reality.
Additionally, it is like any other coaching model too. You want the individual to feel competent in their role and what they want to achieve, you want to involve their vision on what the result looks like and ultimately give them the tools to perform at the standard they want to achieve.
Get started with NLP coaching today
As you saw in this guide, NLP coaching you can change your team’s performance through each interaction. Without coaching increasing your team’s performance is almost zero, but when you coach in the right way you can quickly change your team’s results.
Now you have everything you need to get started with NLP coaching.
Before you start on your first coaching session, make to leave a quick comment to let me know what you think of ‘What is NLP coaching? (A complete beginners guide)’.
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